What is a creative grace?

A couple of weeks ago, the weather turned very cold. Snow was forecast, so of course, it was time to make stew...

As I chopped and prepared the ingredients, I found myself appreciating them, each carrot, stick of celery. I felt appreciation for their colours, smells and that we had all we needed to keep fed and warm.

I put the heater on, lit a candle on the kitchen table, switched on the fairy lights - the ones from Christmas three years ago that never made it down again...and put on some music, plumping for a mellow jazz blues playlist on spotify...

As my partner and I chopped and cooked, the words 'A Creative Grace' came to my mind. I wrote it down lest it disappear, and carried on cooking.

Stews are quite the investment of time but are worth infinitely more than the sum of their parts, this would provide us with three days of hot delicious food at a time when we just want to settle down and be fed with little fuss.

The whole afternoon felt special, nurturing, full of care. It came about from holding the right attitude, one of grace and appreciation, trust and enjoyment, that filtered down into the food, into our home, and into us...

By choosing to focus on what we did have, what we could make and how to make the cold day better, we created a special day. By allowing time to be spent doing something natural and nurturing, it re-connected us to the sacred, that inner feeling I get when I'm connected and whole.

Just a simple day, with simple tasks but when done with the right attitude, it turns everything around. This can go either way of course, and I work consciously to choose the way of love instead of fear in all I do. Sometimes this is easier than others...But when it works, it makes for a delicious stew!

So this is what I call 'a creative grace' it could be anything that has come about through mindful, loving practise, intuitive conversation and creativity, often simple tasks, like a living, waking meditation brought into our daily routines, lives and relationships. It is bringing grace to the ordinary, making it something special...it is borne of a mindful attitude, wherein lies our true nature and power to transform...

I decided to begin a journal of sorts, to record life and how it unfolds when I apply the art of creative grace, to help me learn how to apply it and understand why it helps as I move forward. 

It is my hope that it may also be of interest to others finding their way along too...who wish to experience more grace, harmony and love in their world. I have yet to find a person who doesn't wish for this, no matter where they are in life! 

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