A conversation with Nature

It's a windy winter day. Two doors are clicking open and closed, open and closed as if in conversation with one another. Our house is draughty and the windows are usually open, at least a little, all year round. One of the doors has enough, slamming shut.

It's approaching noon but there is very little natural light. On a day off like this, introspection calls to me. I settle in, mentally clearing the day for peace and rest, or for whatever comes from the silence within...

With my Italian hot chocolate and notebook, I relax, accepting the rough inhospitable weather and agreeing with Natures' advice 'more time in the burrow'. She needn't have been so forceful, I'd have happily retreated had it just been a little damp outside...

Lots of time is being spent in the burrow but Nature promises the spring soon will arrive, the promise backed up by a little more light each day...

So in I stay, trusting the cyclic process that will bring us more light, warmth, energy and action. But now it's time to focus on the inside.

I love long, winter meditations, they are rich and deep, like putting roots down into the dormant earth below me, tapping into the power all around me. A huge gust sets the doors off again. I breathe. After only a handful of minutes, I am re-set. Clear, calm, refreshed. I'm in a place of acceptance and harmony with life again. All is well, be patient. Trust. 

The inner world becomes warm and bright, beautiful. A beacon amongst the increasingly rough, intense weather outside. I choose to focus inside. I pray for the outside, trusting everything will be intact once the storm dies down but also letting go - if it needs to go, it needs to go...but I hope it doesn't.

During my meditation, a few pieces of information become clear. 'Time to clean the pantry'. I agree. 'Make more shelves and re-organise'. Yes, good idea. 'Time to get up, move around.' I clean my work space, thoroughly this time, remembering what I have, finding better ways to use the space. Finding 'new' old notebooks and coming to them with the new mindset of now, realising how they can be utilised. I feel new ideas forming, cleaning brings space and the new. Make way!

Once completed, the space feels clean and clear. There is room for inspiration to take root. I wonder what it will look like and enjoy the feeling of anticipation...I love new beginnings.

The light bulb flickers again, the rough day reminds me to appreciate my burrow. Warmth, beauty, food and safety. I appreciate the time I have to rest, to organise and to meditate. It is a sacred time of stillness and peace. A place deep in Nature where I can hear myself think and, more importantly, hear Nature - that of my own true...


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