When the time is right

I'm a believer in what I call 'Divine Perfect Timing'. Those experiences we have when everything flows, when we get the perfect parking space and the green lights all the way to work. The times when we feel deeply in harmony with ourselves and our surroundings, things are working in our favour, there is ease, solutions and improvement. Flow.

I'm finding that the more I think about it, the more I'm consciously choosing to surrender my hopes, my day, my life and my self to the great Universal Mind, call it God, Goddess, Spirit, Universe or Source, the wisdom behind the creation of life, however we choose to relate to it.  And I find that when I let go and surrender it all up, trusting that the best outcome will prevail for me, wondrous things big and small begin to appear in my experience.

This time of year, the winter, is for me a time of slowing down, going within, re-focusing. A time of hibernation. By my choice my world becomes smaller, quieter and simpler. It offers me the opportunity to take a good look at my life and to learn how to improve it or make changes in the coming year. 

This winter, I'm increasingly struck by the way the universe is working in my world, especially when I have a desire or a dream, or if I have a situation or something that needs to be attended to. If I focus on it and then think about the outcome I would like to experience, how it feels and the appreciation I have for receiving it, then 'hand it over' surrendering the whole thing up to the Universe asking that I receive what I want in 'divine perfect timing under grace' and then do my best to forget about it and get on with my day.

When I do this, things occur, when I admit that I don't have all the answers and I don't know how to move forward, but then surrender it up, things shift, answers come, things start to happen. This laptop I'm typing on is a case in point. I needed a new one but couldn't decide which to get. I had spent a bit of time thinking about the qualities I wanted, it needs to be light, quiet, fast. I thought about the size and why I wanted it, to write in bed, in the kitchen, to surf. Nothing fancy. I asked the Universe, I surrendered it up. A few weeks went by, then my partner brings this laptop home. New, quiet, perfect. I'm typing this in bed. Just like I wanted to! I should mention it wasn't bought for me but I can use it when I like, sometimes prayers are answered in a different way if we're open. 

I had to relinquish control about how it happens, when it happens etc. but trusting the process means that many options become available. Remembering that I don't have to work it all out myself is a great unburdening that releases stuck 'trying to figure it out' energy so things can move in a natural way that's best for me.

Focus. Feel it. Ask. Surrender it. Be open to Receiving. Trust the timing. Appreciate it when it happens!

I'm learning to remember to do this more often and when I do, there is ease and  when I really let it go and trust that the Universe has my back, things do work out, and they work out very well. This process is also bringing other gifts along with it, not least the deep feeling of being cared for, watched over and that timing is important. If I'm ready then things happen quickly, if there is a better way or time, nothing happens. Building up trust in the process has taken time and is still a work in progress but I'm seeing that things are unfolding with great beauty when I allow them to!

The natural world around me always teaches me, and timing is something nature knows about. The first blossom is out this week, the mini iris are just popping open indoors, they have been tightly furled for weeks, waiting until the right moment. We have our own inner timing, our own inner nature waiting to be called upon, to be utilised, it is our connection to all the wisdom in the Universe and it's waiting for us to be ready.


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